BlueStep is a solution-driven lending institution that specializes in providing mortgages and personal loans in the Nordic region. Unlike traditional approaches that dwell on past financial challenges, BlueStep focuses on assessing individuals' future financial capabilities. Additionally, BlueStep extends its services by offering retail deposits with highly competitive interest rates
The main direction(s) in which it works Bluestep Bank AB (publ) is/are Retail Banking
The country of origin in which Bluestep Bank AB (publ) was initiated is Sweden
Bluestep Bank AB (publ) was founded in 2004, 20 Years Old
Official company number of Bluestep Bank AB (publ) in the founding country is 556717-5129
Bluestep Bank AB (publ) is a participant in the guarantee fund Swedish National Debt Office (SNDO)
If insolvency of Bluestep Bank AB (publ) occurs, your eligible deposits would in any case be repaid up to 950,000 SEK
Types of Bluestep Bank AB (publ) accounts that are protected by Guarantee Fund
You can contactBluestep Bank AB (publ) using the details below